Provost Announcements

The University Educational Outreach Center

January 18, 2022

Dear Colleagues,

I am delighted to announce the creation of the University Educational Outreach Center and the appointment of Daren Ellerbee as its director. The center, a unit housed within the Office of the Provost, will be dedicated to building more equitable pathways for all students to gain the potential to enroll at the University of Pittsburgh or other selective colleges and universities. 

A Joint Message on Budget ReSTART

November 4, 2021

We want to share with you an update on the Budget ReSTART initiative as well as next steps. Most significantly, Chancellor Patrick Gallagher approved the model to go forward, meaning Responsibility Centers (RCs) can begin a parallel budget process during the current fiscal year, with the goal of implementing the model for the Fiscal Year 2023 budget.

Chandralekha Singh: Special Assistant to the Provost

October 22, 2021

Dear Colleagues,

The importance of quantum science has emerged as a space that is key to Pitt’s academic and research portfolios. 

Pitt’s efforts in quantum science are distinctive strengths to build upon: to develop programs and create a robust learning environment, to build skill, to create and access, and to grow diversity and numbers of engaged students. 

Arjang Assad Transition

September 16, 2021

Dear Colleagues, 

Arjang Assad took on the role of the University of Pittsburgh’s Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business and College of Business Administration Henry E. Haller Jr. Dean in July 2015. Under his care, the school’s reputation has grown and its programs have attracted students that shine among the best and the brightest. 

It is with sincere appreciation for the work he has done in these years that I write to share that Arjang has decided to step down from that role and return to the faculty effective June 30, 2022. 

PIC HC Director Announcement

June 29, 2021

Dear Colleagues,

I am very pleased to announce that Andrea Hergenroeder, from the University of Pittsburgh School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (SHRS), has been appointed as the new director of the Pitt Interprofessional Center for Health Careers (PIC Health Careers) effective July 1, 2021.

She succeeds Susan M. Meyer, who has skillfully steered the center as director since its launch in 2018 and who earlier this year announced her intention to retire.

Appointment of New Registrar

May 13, 2021

Dear Colleagues,

Please see the message below from Joe McCarthy announcing the appointment of Jonathan Helm as the University's new registrar. This is great news!


Ann E. Cudd
Provost and Senior Vice Chancellor
Professor of Philosophy
University of Pittsburgh

Dear Colleagues,