The provost and his senior staff lead, or participate in as members, a number of key University committees.
Through extensive University-wide committee work with other members of the University community, the provost’s office serves to initiate, support, develop, and promote the advancement of the University’s academic vision.
- Academic Calendar Committee
- Academic Leadership Team
- Ad Hoc Committee on Data Science
- Enrollment Management Steering Committee
- Faculty Ad Hoc Committee for Sustainability
- General Education Reform Task Force
- Global Partnerships and Programs Committee
- Global Risk, Health, Safety, and Security Committee
- Learning Space Management Committee (LSMC)
- Provost’s Advisory Council on Tenure and Promotion (PACTP)
- Provost's Advisory Committee on Undergraduate Programs (PACUP)
- Provost's Advisory Committee on Women's Concerns (PACWC)
- Provost’s Advisory Council on Instructional Excellence (ACIE)
- Provost’s Area Planning and Budget Committee (PAPBC)
- Provost’s Standing Committee on Open Educational Resources (OER)
- University Council on Graduate Study (UCGS)
- University Planning and Budgeting Committee (UPBC)
Academic Leadership Team
The Academic Leadership Team (formerly Council of Deans) provides advice and counsel to the provost on academic matters and University-wide issues, including policy and practices, institutional advancement, budget, and planning.
Provost's Advisory Committee on Undergraduate Programs (PACUP)
PACUP is a committee composed of a breadth of professorial leadership across the University. It reviews academic planning proposals that pertain to undergraduate programs, including new and revised majors, concentrations, etc.
Provost's Advisory Committee on Women's Concerns (PACWC)
PACWC seeks to ensure a productive educational and work environment for faculty, staff, and students, particularly in areas related to women's concerns. It focuses on general issues of campus climate and programs as they affect women throughout the University. PACWC seeks to assist the provost and the University community through its mandate.
University Council on Graduate Study (UCGS)
UCGS develops basic standards, regulations, and policies applicable to all fields for graduate instruction and research. It reviews, evaluates, and makes recommendations concerning proposals for new post-baccalaureate degree and certificate programs throughout the University after such proposals have had prior review and approval by the appropriate people within the school.