Advisory Council on Instructional Excellence

The Advisory Council on Instructional Excellence (ACIE) advises the provost on the means to encourage instructional development and teaching excellence at the University of Pittsburgh. It realizes these goals through the sponsorship of special programming and the disposition of grants to faculty members seeking funding for curricular- and technology-driven proposals to advance instructional development and teaching excellence.

Provost James V. Maher established the Council in 1998 and chaired the Council during the 1998–99 academic year. The council is currently chaired by Michael Bridges, Executive Director, University Center for Teaching and Learning.

2024-2025 Meeting Dates

  • Wednesday, Oct. 2
  • Check back for additional meeting dates for this academic year.

Committee Information

ACIE Membership

2024-2025 ACIE Committee Members


Ex Officio

  • Bonnie Falcione, Department of Pharmacy and Therapeutics, School of Pharmacy
    • Also: Co-Chair, Senate Educational Policies Committee
  • Elizabeth Votruba-Drzal, Learning Research and Development Center


Staff Liaisons

  • Amy Tuttle, Office of the Provost
  • Joy Hart, University Center for Teaching and Learning.
2019 Recommendations Report

2019 Recommendations from Provost’s Advisory Council on Instructional Excellence and Subsequent Activities: An Update for the Senate Educational Policies Committee

ACIE Meeting Minutes

Approved minutes of the ACIE meetings are available from 1998 through the current year. For earlier, archived ACIE meeting minutes, please contact ACIE staff liaisons Amy Tuttle or Joy Hart.

Approved Minutes from 2023-2024

Approved Minutes from 2022-2023

Approved Minutes from 2019-2020

Awards Program

The Innovation in Education Awards support faculty proposals which aim to reinvent traditional classroom instruction.