Provost Announcements

COVID-19 Update: Campus Building Access Procedures

April 13, 2020

Dear Deans,

Let me start by expressing my appreciation for how you and your faculty and staff have handled the abrupt closure of campus. As you can imagine, every time someone accesses a building, we are expending significant resources—from coordination with Facilities Management and escorts by Pitt police to additional cleaning. Building access has been limited to those with a truly essential need related to teaching, critical research, or significant personal hardship.

Extending the Tenure Clock

March 27, 2020

Dear Colleagues,

The University of Pittsburgh recognizes the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the scholarly activities and productivity of the faculty. This is the first of a series of messages related to T/TS/AS faculty appointment, reappointment, promotion and tenure. This first message addresses the concerns of tenure stream faculty. Additional guidance will be shared in the days ahead.

COVID-19 Update: Exception to Expense Reimbursement Policy for Conference Attendance and Related Travel

March 7, 2020

Dear Deans, Presidents, Associate Deans, and Vice Presidents:

As COVID-19 continues to impact the United States and the world, it has also surfaced a good question about what we can do to support faculty and staff who have committed to attending professional conferences this semester. The health and well-being of the Pitt community is our priority. We want everyone to be able to make the most informed and prudent decisions about travel without concern that they will incur financial losses should they want to decide against travelling.

COVID-19 Update: Study Abroad and Spring Break Programs

March 3, 2020

Dear Deans, Presidents, Associate Deans, and Vice Presidents:

The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) continues to spread dynamically around the globe. On Sunday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued guidance suggesting that higher education institutions in the United States consider cancelling upcoming international travel programs and asking students who are currently participating in study abroad programs to return to the United States.

COVID-19 Update: Instructional Continuity Preparations

March 2, 2020

Dear Deans, Presidents, Associate Deans, and Vice Presidents:

As you may be aware, the Centers for Disease Control has indicated that the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is likely to become more prevalent in the United States and has the potential to impact daily life.  It is prudent to prepare for potential disruptions, and I am writing with some initial information regarding instructional continuity.

Nathan Urban Transition

March 2, 2020

Dear Colleagues:

Nathan Urban has served the Office of the Provost in far-reaching ways. It is with deep appreciation for all that Nathan, a proud Pitt alumnus, has brought to the University that I write to share that he has announced his decision to accept a truly outstanding opportunity at Lehigh University to serve as that institution’s Provost. He will transition to Lehigh during the summer months.