The Office of Faculty Affairs oversees the application of faculty policies and guidelines, including those related to faculty personnel actions and faculty appointments, promotions, and conferral of tenure, as well as appeals and grievances.

Faculty Policies
A key resource for faculty is the Faculty Handbook, which contains information based on University of Pittsburgh policies and procedures. The Faculty Handbook provides policies that directly impact your work as a faculty member here at Pitt.
The Office of Policy Development and Management administers the policy development process, manages policy publication and catalogs, and advises on policy-related inquiries and education. On this site you can find a complete repository of current University Policies and their supporting documents.
As circumstances warrant, Provost and Senior Vice Chancellor Joseph J. McCarthy may issue a Provost Memo which may focus on policies, procedures, or new initiatives.
The Faculty Affairs office has also compiled a list of FAQs on Policies and Guidelines.
Some of the key policies and guidelines that faculty members frequently access include:

Frequently Accessed Guidelines
These are some of the most commonly accessed guideline documents for faculty members:

University Offices
The following offices provide support and resources that may be helpful to Pitt faculty members.

Shared Governance
The University Senate is an official University body for shared governance. Through its various organs, it considers and makes recommendations concerning educational policies and other matters of University-wide concern.
The purpose of the University Senate is to create and maintain adequate communication channels among students, staff, faculty, administrative officers, and the Board of Trustees for discussion and consultation on all matters affecting the welfare of the University.
Its website also includes information on Faculty Assembly, Senate Council, Senate Committees, and the University Senate Bylaws.