Messages from the Provost
A Message to Faculty from Provost Ann E. Cudd - June 26, 2020
June 26, 2020
Dear Colleagues,
A Message to Returning Students from Provost Ann E. Cudd - June 8, 2020
June 8, 2020
Dear Pitt Students:
As we look ahead to welcoming you back you to campus in August, we have been diligently forging ahead to determine the very best ways to accomplish that.
Though we are still experiencing the uncertainty of the pandemic’s course, I want to provide an update on our plans for the Fall semester—all with the health and safety of the entire community as our priority.
We are hard at work planning a safe, staged arrival for move-in to reduce crowding and to facilitate health and safety procedures:
A Message to New Students from Provost Ann E. Cudd - June 8, 2020
Dear Pitt Students and Families:
As we look ahead to welcoming you to the University of Pittsburgh’s Oakland campus in August, we have been diligently forging ahead to determine the very best ways to accomplish that.
Though we are still experiencing the uncertainty of the pandemic’s course, I want to provide an update on our plans for the Fall semester—all with the health and safety of the community as our priority.
We are hard at work planning a safe, staged arrival for students to reduce crowding and to facilitate health and safety procedures:
A Message to Faculty from Provost Ann E. Cudd - June 8, 2020
June 8, 2020
Dear Colleagues:
I hope that the weeks since the close of the spring semester have been calmer ones for you. I remain in awe of—and so grateful for—all that you did to realize success during extraordinarily challenging days.
Message from Provost Ann E. Cudd - June 2, 2020
June 2, 2020
Dear Panther Nation,
These are dark and difficult days. In the midst of a global pandemic, unprecedented in any of our lifetimes, we are witnessing again the all too common horror of police brutality and racist attacks against African Americans. The killings of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, like so many before them, send the false and racist message that Black lives do not matter. We must work to right that wrong.
A Message from Provost Ann E. Cudd - April 24, 2020
April 24, 2020
Dear Panther Nation,
During the first week that we transitioned to a remote environment, when our teaching, learning, and research community pivoted both more quickly and more profoundly than any of us could have imagined, I compared the experience to running a marathon.
And there is no doubt that we will continue to run a race of endurance that requires both planful strategies and patience—all to maximize the health and safety of our community while strengthening our institutional mission.
A Message from Provost Ann E. Cudd - April 17, 2020
April 17, 2020
Dear Panther Nation,
Forge Ahead! The phrase succinctly defines the spirit of Pitt. And this semester we have certainly embraced the sentiment and done just that, adapting every step of the way.