Nature of Work: Research
- Time spent on research
- Expectations for finding external funding
- Influence over focus of research
- Quality of grad students to support research
- Support for research
- Support for engaging undergraduates in research
- Support for obtaining grants (pre-award)
- Support for maintaining grants (post-award)
- Support for securing graduate student assistance
- Support for travel to present/conduct research
- Availability of course release for research
Nature of Work: Service
- Time spent on service
- Support for faculty in leadership roles
- Number of committees
- Attractiveness of committees
- Discretion to choose committees
- Equitability of committee assignments
- Number of student advisees
- Support for being a good advisor
- Equity of the distribution of advising responsibilities
Nature of Work: Teaching
- Time spent on teaching
- Number of courses taught
- Level of courses taught
- Discretion over course content
- Number of students in classes taught
- Quality of students taught
- Equitability of distribution of teaching load
- Quality of graduate students to support teaching
- Teaching schedule
- Support for teaching diverse learning styles
- Support for assessing student learning
- Support for developing online/hybrid courses
- Support for teaching online/hybrid courses
Facilities and Work Resources
- Support for improving teaching
- Office
- Laboratory, research, studio space
- Equipment
- Classrooms
- Library resources
- Computing and technical support
- Clerical/administrative support
Personal and Family Policies
- Right balance between professional/personal
- Institute supports family/career compatibility
- Housing benefits
- Tuition waivers, remission, or exchange
- Spousal/partner hiring program
- Childcare
- Eldercare
- Family medical/parental leave
- Flexible workload/modified duties
- Stop-the-clock policies
- Commuter benefits
- Parking benefits
Health and Retirement Benefits
- Health benefits for yourself
- Health benefits for family
- Retirement benefits
- Phased retirement options
Interdisciplinary Work
- Budgets encourage interdisciplinary work
- Facilities conducive to interdisciplinary work
- Interdisciplinary work is rewarded in merit
- Interdisciplinary work is rewarded in promotion
- Interdisciplinary work is rewarded in tenure
- Department knows how to evaluate interdisciplinary work
- Opportunities for collaboration within department
- Opportunities for collaboration outside institution
- Opportunities for collaboration outside department
- Effectiveness of mentoring within department
- Effectiveness of mentoring outside department
- Mentoring of pre-tenured faculty in department
- Mentoring of tenured associate professors in department
- Support for faculty to be good mentors
Leadership: Senior
- President/Chancellor: Pace of decision making
- President/Chancellor: Stated priorities
- President/Chancellor: Communication of priorities
- Chief Academic Officer: Pace of decision making
- Chief Academic Officer: Stated priorities
- Chief Academic Officer: Communication of priorities
- Chief Academic Officer: Ensuring faculty input
Leadership: Divisional
- Dean: Pace of decision making
- Dean: Stated priorities
- Dean: Communication of priorities
- Dean: Ensuring faculty input
Leadership: Departmental
- Head/Chair: Pace of decision making
- Head/Chair: Stated priorities
- Head/Chair: Communication of priorities
- Head/Chair: Ensuring faculty input
- Head/Chair: Fairness in evaluating work
Leadership: Faculty
- Faculty leaders: Pace of decision making
- Faculty leaders: Stated priorities
- Faculty leaders: Communication of priorities
- Faculty leaders: Ensuring faculty input
Governance: Trust
- I understand how to voice opinions about policies
- Clear rules about the roles of faculty and administration
- Faculty and administration follow rules of engagement
- Faculty and administration have an open system of communication
- Faculty and administration discuss difficult issues in good faith
Governance: Shared sense of purpose
- Important decisions are not made until there is consensus
- Administration ensures sufficient time for faculty input
- Faculty and administration respectfully consider the other's view
- Faculty and administration have a shared sense of responsibility
Governance: Understanding the issue at hand
- Faculty governance structures offer opportunities for input
- Administration communicates rationale for important decisions
- Faculty and administration have equal say in decisions
- Faculty and administration define decision criteria together
Governance: Adaptability
- Shared governance holds up in unusual circumstances
- Institution regularly reviews effectiveness of governance
- Institution cultivates new faculty leaders
Governance: Productivity
- Overall effectiveness of shared governance
- My committees make measureable progress towards goals
- Public recognition of progress
Tenure Policies
- Clarity of tenure process
- Clarity of tenure criteria
- Clarity of tenure standards
- Clarity of body of evidence for deciding tenure
- Clarity of whether I will achieve tenure
- Clarity of tenure process in department
- Consistency of messages about tenure
- Tenure decisions are performance-based
Tenure Expectations: Clarity
- Clarity of expectations: Scholar
- Clarity of expectations: Teacher
- Clarity of expectations: Advisor
- Clarity of expectations: Colleague
- Clarity of expectations: Campus citizen
- Clarity of expectations: Broader community
Promotion to Full
- Department culture encourages promotion
- Reasonable expectations: Promotion
- Clarity of promotion process
- Clarity of promotion criteria
- Clarity of promotion standards
- Clarity of body of evidence for promotion
- Clarity of time frame for promotion
- Clarity of whether I will be promoted
Departmental Collegiality
- Colleagues support work/life balance
- Meeting times compatible with personal needs
- Amount of personal interaction
- How well you fit
- Amount of personal interaction with tenured faculty
- Colleagues pitch in when needed
- Department is collegial
- Colleagues committed to diversity/inclusion
Departmental Engagement
- Discussions of undergraduate student learning
- Discussions of graduate student learning
- Discussions of effective teaching practices
- Discussions of effective use of technology
- Discussions of current research methods
- Amount of professional interaction with pre-tenured faculty
- Amount of professional interaction with tenured faculty
Departmental Quality
- Intellectual vitality of tenured faculty
- Intellectual vitality of pre-tenured faculty
- Scholarly productivity of tenured faculty
- Scholarly productivity of pre-tenured faculty
- Teaching effectiveness of tenured faculty
- Teaching effectiveness of pre-tenured faculty
- Department is successful at faculty recruitment
- Department is successful at faculty retention
- Department addresses substandard performance
Appreciation and Recognition
- Recognition: For teaching
- Recognition: For advising
- Recognition: For scholarship
- Recognition: For service
- Recognition: For outreach
- Recognition: From colleagues
- Recognition: From Chief Academic Officer
- Recognition: From Dean
- Recognition: From Head/Chair
- School/college is valued by President/Provost
- Department is valued by President/Provost
- Chief Academic Officer cares about faculty of my rank