The Office of Diversity and Inclusion and the Office of the Provost have compiled or offer a number of resources to strengthen diversity and build an inclusive environment at the University of Pittsburgh:
Office of the Provost Resources
- Faculty Diversity Recruitment Initiative
- Recruiting an Excellent and Diverse Faculty: Resources for Faculty Search Committees
- Checklist for Faculty Search Committees
- Family-Friendly Programs for Pitt Faculty
- Office of the Provost – Faculty Affairs
- Office of the Provost – Faculty Diversity and Development
- Provost's Advisory Committee for Women’s Concerns
- Provost’s Diversity Institute for Faculty Development
Office for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Resources
- Office for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Disability Resources and Services
- Individuals with Disabilities
- Disability Access
- Pitt Communities for Faculty and Staff
- Diversity and Inclusion Certificate Program
- Excellence and Diversity in Leadership Searches: A workshop on faculty recruiting and legal issues (PDF)
- The UPSIDE Award (University Prize for Strategic, Inclusive, and Diverse Excellence)
Other University of Pittsburgh Resources
- Center for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Curriculum
- Office of Human Resources
- Health Sciences Diversity
Recruitment Tools from Other Institutions
- IMDiversity Inc.: A website where you can post or search for jobs. The website also has an employers directory, articles, and diversity news.
- NIH Scientific Workforce Diversity Recruitment Search Protocol: This recruitment search tool can be used to diversify a search for faculty.
- University of Michigan ADVANCE Program: Several resources are available for search committees, including the downloadable Handbook for Faculty Searches and Hiring.
- Women in Science & Engineering Leadership Institute at the University of Wisconsin-Madison: WISELI created a downloadable guide for search committees called Searching for Excellence & Diversity: A Guide for Search Committee Members.
Mentoring Resources
- Centor for Mentoring: A central resource within the University Center for Teaching and Learning that supports faculty in becoming effective mentors and mentees.
- International Mentoring Association: An association of mentoring professionals in the education, business, and government sectors. It offers the most current information in the constantly evolving field of mentoring best practices in an organized, accessible, and easy-to-use format.
- National Research Mentoring Network: A nationwide consortium of biomedical professionals and institutions in collaboration to provide all trainees with evidence-based mentorship and professional development programming.
Association Resources
Associations for people who are underrepresented: