April 24, 2020
Dear Panther Nation,
During the first week that we transitioned to a remote environment, when our teaching, learning, and research community pivoted both more quickly and more profoundly than any of us could have imagined, I compared the experience to running a marathon.
And there is no doubt that we will continue to run a race of endurance that requires both planful strategies and patience—all to maximize the health and safety of our community while strengthening our institutional mission.
This week, on a course where there will be many checkpoints, we have crossed one important "finish" line: the completion of final exams and projects, the close of the spring semester and, for some, graduation. It is time to pause—for a well-deserved and bright moment—to really savor those achievements and to appreciate each other. I know that it is the hard work of faculty, students, and staff on every Pitt campus that makes it possible to sustain and advance our forward momentum and our collective, determined spirit.
One important manifestation of that community spirit will shine as we honor our graduates on every Pitt campus. Virtual celebrations happen tomorrow at Pitt-Greensburg, Pitt-Johnstown, and Pitt-Titusville. The Pittsburgh campus celebration will happen on Sunday morning, with Pitt-Bradford’s occurring that afternoon. I hope you will attend as many events as you can. Our amazing graduates are more than ready to take on the world and to contribute to it in wonderful ways!
In the weeks ahead, we will continue working together—looking to the future, learning from experts in many disciplines, and evaluating innovative options for the upcoming fall semester. The summer months are always times of preparation. These days will be even more intense as we reimagine Pitt education in response to the swiftly changing currents that have defined the pandemic. As always, because I am eager for community ideas and feedback, we will hold University forums so that I can hear as many voices as possible.
In the meantime, as we mark the end of the academic year, I hope that each of you will have the opportunity to take a break to relax, to recharge, and to reflect on your many accomplishments.
I look forward to continuing our long-distance run together—to explore, to adapt, and to share the remarkable educational experience that defines this great University we call home.
Hail to Pitt!
Ann E. Cudd
Provost and Senior Vice Chancellor