Clyde Pickett Named New "Year of" Co-chair

December 7, 2023

Dear Colleagues, 

As you know, this academic year is the Year of Discourse and Dialogue at the University of Pittsburgh.  

I am grateful to Kenyon Bonner, Vice Provost for Student Affairs, and Carissa Slotterback, Dean of the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, for the excellent work they have undertaken to date with the committee they created to lead efforts around the Year of Discourse and Dialogue.  

As we work ahead to prepare for Kenyon’s move to the University of Virginia, I am pleased to announce that Clyde Wilson Pickett, Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, has agreed to serve as co-chair with Carissa Slotterback as this “Year of” continues its forward progress. This transition will formally take effect on January 1, 2024.

I believe that Clyde’s role at Pitt positions him to apply his deep experience, vision and enthusiastic leadership to this initiative in unique and transformative ways—and I am so appreciative of his willingness to do so.  

This “Year of” has garnered a great response in terms of proposals and overall momentum so far. You can learn more—and share information with your faculty and staff—on the website

In the time ahead, please reach out to Clyde and Carissa with your ideas and questions. I thank both of them for their outstanding leadership. 


Joseph J. McCarthy
Interim Provost and Senior Vice Chancellor

William Kepler Whiteford Professor of Chemical Engineering
University of Pittsburgh